Katja Albrecht wird Chief Growth Officer der Kölner AmaliTech

Cologne, 03.01.2023. As of January 1st, Katja Albrecht has taken over the position of Chief Growth Officer at AmaliTech. In her position, she is responsible for growth and will support AmaliTech’s customers in their digital transformation.
Founded in 2019, the social business AmaliTech from Cologne, Germany, already counts 250 employees and is growing steadily. The company’s mission consists of creating many high-quality long-term jobs and career prospects in Africa in the IT sector and enabling European companies to achieve digitalization and transformation endeavors by providing access to talent. To this end, AmaliTech has established sites in Ghana and Rwanda where digital experts deliver projects for international companies.
“I am excited to be part of this forward-looking vision and to effectively support companies in their digital transformation through this great opportunity to collaborate with African digital talent,” explains Katja Albrecht.
In her many years as a consultant, Katja Albrecht has advised clients on complex challenges in the dimensions of user, brand, and organization. She has worked for consultancies of various kinds: Agencies, IT service providers, and consultancies. These environments were creatively, internationally, and/or digitally driven. In the past 12 years, she has acted exclusively for digital service providers, in her last positions as Managing Director for ecx.io / IBM IX and TWT Interactive. Besides developing sustainable customer solutions in digital transformation projects, including the associated organizational and commercial challenges, she was also responsible for internal organizational development.
CEO and founder, Martin Hecker, is looking forward to the collaboration: „Katja’s longstanding experience in the successful implementation of transformation strategies will greatly enrich our young company. We are delighted that she will bring her rich experience to us and support us in establishing Africa as an important sourcing location for European companies.”
About AmaliTech Services GmbH:
AmaliTech’s innovative and social business model brings together highly skilled digital experts from Africa with European companies to address the skills shortage. This creates sustainable employment opportunities for Africa’s youth.
Companies with a need for skilled workers in Software Development, Data Analytics, Research, or Machine Learning/AI can obtain digital service from Africa with minimal effort and no risk through the Cologne-based AmaliTech Services GmbH. They benefit from the minimal time difference (max. 2h) and globally competitive rates. AmaliTech provides a dedicated team of highly skilled developers who work closely with its clients.
Through the UN’s Decent Jobs for Youth Initiative, AmaliTech has committed to train over 3,000 individuals and create more than 1,000 direct jobs in Ghana and Rwanda by 2025.
Contact and Pictures via: Kim Metzger
Tel. +49 (0)221 – 500 545 26
Mail: kim.metzger@amalitech.org
Vogelsanger Straße 321a
50827 Köln
Photo Credit: AmaliTech, Cologne
Photo Caption: Katja Albrecht, Chief Growth Officer der Kölner AmaliTech